Racketeering Defendant Lawyer Debra Guzov Esq Memorandum of Law in Support of Racketeering Defendant Adam Rose for Order to SHOW CAUSE to OBTAIN IDENTITIES OF ANONYMOUS BLOGGERSre: Millionaire Real Estate Racketeering Defendant Adam Rose (Rose Associates, Inc.) doesn't like being in the same paragraph as 'child pornography' SUES YAHOO (TUMBLR, TWITTER and Wordpress) and with his Racketeering Codefendant Debra Guzov, Esq. submits FALSE AFFIDAVITS/AFFIRMATIONS to Illegally Obtain IDENTITIES of ANONYMOUS BLOGGERS? What are you afraid of Adam Rose?

May 27, 2016 | Author: StuyvesantTownFraud | Category: Types, Business/Law, Court Filings


Racketeering Defendant Lawyer Debra Guzov Esq Memorandum of Law in Support of Racketeering Defendant Adam Rose for Order...
