THE ARTS OF ONESELF twenty six short tales on personal memorabilia Text by Tjebbe van Tijen - Photographs by Akiko Tobu a shortened version of this text has appeared in Artintact 5, Artists' Interactive CD-Rom Magazine ZKM Karlsruhe ISBN 3-893229493. This text has also been published as an additional essay on a Photobook by Akiko Tobu: [Tōbu, Akiko [藤部明子], and Tjebbe van Tijen. 2004. Memoraphilia. Tōkyō: Studio Paraborika [ステュディオ・パラボリカ] ; ]

June 18, 2016 | Author: Tjebbe van Tijen | Category: Types, Articles & News Stories


Personal memoralia can be almost anything, it need not be relics that have been part of,or were in touch with those who ...
